Preferably, please copy the code into your source editor. (UPDATE: My apology, because there was an error ... -- It's been fixed .. > <)
Addition [PASS] 5.0+3.0=8.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 8 8.0000 [PASS] 5.0+=3.0=>8.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 8 8.0000 [PASS] 7.0+-3.0=4.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 4 4.0000 [PASS] 7.0+=-3.0=>4.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 4 4.0000 [PASS] 2.0+-8.0=-6.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -6 -6.0000 [PASS] 2.0+=-8.0=>-6.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -6 -6.0000 [PASS] -6.0+-3.0=-9.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -9 -9.0000 [PASS] -6.0+=-3.0=>-9.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -9 -9.0000 Subtraction [PASS] 8.0-6.0=2.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 2 2.0000 [PASS] 8.0-=6.0=>2.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 2 2.0000 [PASS] 1.0--3.0=4.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 4 4.0000 [PASS] 1.0-=-3.0=>4.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 4 4.0000 [PASS] -3.0--9.0=6.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 6 6.0000 [PASS] -3.0-=-9.0=>6.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 6 6.0000 [PASS] -2.0-5.0=-7.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -7 -7.0000 [PASS] -2.0-=5.0=>-7.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -7 -7.0000 Multiplication [PASS] 2.0*3.0=6.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 6 6.0000 [PASS] 2.0*=3.0=>6.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 6 6.0000 [PASS] 3.0*-4.0=-12.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -12 -12.0000 [PASS] 3.0*=-4.0=>-12.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -12 -12.0000 [PASS] 2.0*-5.0=-10.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -10 -10.0000 [PASS] 2.0*=-5.0=>-10.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -10 -10.0000 [PASS] -6.0*-7.0=42.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 42 42.0000 [PASS] -6.0*=-7.0=>42.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 42 42.0000 Division [PASS] 14.0/3.5=4.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 4 4.0000 [PASS] 14.0/=3.5=>4.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 4 4.0000 [PASS] 15.0/-3.0=-5.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -5 -5.0000 [PASS] 15.0/=-3.0=>-5.0F Out: (float) (fixed) -5 -5.0000 [PASS] -36.0/8.0=-4.5F Out: (float) (fixed) -4.5 -4.5000 [PASS] -36.0/=8.0=>-4.5F Out: (float) (fixed) -4.5 -4.5000 [PASS] -48.0/-8.0=6.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 6 6.0000 [PASS] -48.0/=-8.0=>6.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 6 6.0000 Modulo [PASS] 3.0%5.0=3.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 3 3.0000 [PASS] 2.0%4.5=2.0F Out: (float) (fixed) 2 2.0000 [PASS] 6.5%5.0=1.5F Out: (float) (fixed) 1.5 1.5000 [PASS] 8.0%4.5=3.5F Out: (float) (fixed) 3.5 3.5000
/* Other header #1 */ /*Bloody C99 keywords, I deny!*/ #include<stdint.h> typedef uint8_t t1u; typedef int8_t t1s; typedef uint16_t t2u; typedef int16_t t2s; typedef uint32_t t4u; typedef int32_t t4s;typedef float t4f; typedef uint64_t t8u; typedef int64_t t8s;typedef double t8f; /*Haters gonna hate ... */ typedef void v; #define ig else if #define ih else #define rK noexcept #define rU const noexcept /* Other header #2 */ typedef t4s tII4; /*struct tII4{};*/ /*Or something similar*/ /* Other header #3 */ typedef t4u tWU4; /*struct tWU4{};*/ /*Or something similar*/ /* The header */ #include<iostream> struct tRX4{ public: typedef t4s tCn; typedef t4u tFc; static tFc const cFc=8; static tCn const cFM=(1<<cFc)-1; static tRX4 const c0; static tRX4 const c1; protected: tCn m; public: inline tCn g()rU{return m;} v operator+=(tRX4 const&p)rK{m+=p.m;}tRX4 operator+(tRX4 const&p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m+p.m;return l;} v operator-=(tRX4 const&p)rK{m-=p.m;}tRX4 operator-(tRX4 const&p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m-p.m;return l;}tRX4 operator-()rU{tRX4 l;l.m=-m;return l;} inline v operator*=(tRX4 const&p)rK{m=(((t8s)m)*p.m)>>cFc;}inline tRX4 operator*(tRX4 const&p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=(tCn)((((t8s)m)*p.m)>>cFc);return l;} inline v operator/=(tRX4 const&p)rK{m=(((t8s)m)<<cFc)/p.m;}inline tRX4 operator/(tRX4 const&p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=(tCn)((((t8s)m)<<cFc)/p.m);return l;} inline tRX4 operator%(tRX4 const&p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m%p.m;return l;} inline v operator=(tII4 p)rK{m=(tCn)((t4s)p<<cFc);} inline v operator*=(tII4 p)rK{m*=(t4s)p;}inline tRX4 operator*(tII4 p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m*(t4s)p;return l;} inline v operator/=(tII4 p)rK{m/=(t4s)p;}inline tRX4 operator/(tII4 p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m/(t4s)p;return l;} inline v operator%=(tII4 p)rK{m%=(t4s)p<<cFc;}inline tRX4 operator%(tII4 p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m%((t4s)p<<cFc);return l;} inline v operator^=(tRX4 const&p)rK{m^=p.m;}inline tRX4 operator^(tRX4 const&p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m^p.m;return l;} inline v operator&=(tRX4 const&p)rK{m&=p.m;}inline tRX4 operator&(tRX4 const&p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m&p.m;return l;} inline v operator|=(tRX4 const&p)rK{m|=p.m;}inline tRX4 operator|(tRX4 const&p)rU{tRX4 l;l.m=m|p.m;return l;} inline tRX4 operator~()rU{tRX4 l;l.m=~m;return l;} bool operator==(tRX4 const&p)rU{return m==p.m;}bool operator<=(tRX4 const&p)rU{return m<=p.m;}bool operator<(tRX4 const&p)rU{return m<p.m;} bool operator!=(tRX4 const&p)rU{return m!=p.m;}bool operator>=(tRX4 const&p)rU{return m>=p.m;}bool operator>(tRX4 const&p)rU{return m>p.m;} bool operator==(t4f p)rU{return (*this)==tRX4(p);}bool operator<=(t4f p)rU{return (*this)<=tRX4(p);}bool operator<(t4f p)rU{return (*this)<tRX4(p);} bool operator!=(t4f p)rU{return (*this)!=tRX4(p);}bool operator>=(t4f p)rU{return (*this)>=tRX4(p);}bool operator>(t4f p)rU{return (*this)>tRX4(p);} friend bool operator==(t4f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)==q;}friend bool operator<=(t4f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)<=q;}friend bool operator<(t4f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)<q;} friend bool operator!=(t4f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)!=q;}friend bool operator>=(t4f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)>=q;}friend bool operator>(t4f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)>q;} bool operator==(t8f p)rU{return (*this)==tRX4(p);}bool operator<=(t8f p)rU{return (*this)<=tRX4(p);}bool operator<(t8f p)rU{return (*this)<tRX4(p);} bool operator!=(t8f p)rU{return (*this)!=tRX4(p);}bool operator>=(t8f p)rU{return (*this)>=tRX4(p);}bool operator>(t8f p)rU{return (*this)>tRX4(p);} friend bool operator==(t8f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)==q;}friend bool operator<=(t8f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)<=q;}friend bool operator<(t8f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)<q;} friend bool operator!=(t8f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)!=q;}friend bool operator>=(t8f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)>=q;}friend bool operator>(t8f p,tRX4 const&q)rK{return tRX4(p)>q;} friend std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream&,tRX4 const&)rK; public: inline v operator=(t4f p)rK{m=(tCn)(p*c1.m);} inline v operator=(t8f p)rK{m=(tCn)(p*c1.m);} inline tRX4(t4f p)rK{m=(tCn)(p*c1.m);} inline tRX4(t8f p)rK{m=(tCn)(p*c1.m);} public: inline explicit tRX4(t2s p,t2u q)rK:m((((tCn)p)<<cFc)|(q>>(16-cFc))){} inline explicit tRX4(tII4 const&p)rK{m=(tCn)((t4s)p<<cFc);} inline explicit tRX4(tWU4 const&p)rK{m=(tCn)((t4u)p<<cFc);} public: tRX4&operator=(tRX4 const&)rK=default; tRX4&operator=(tRX4&&)rK=default; tRX4(tRX4 const&)rK=default; tRX4(tRX4&&)rK=default; tRX4()rK=default;}; /* The source */ tRX4 const tRX4::c0(tII4(0)); tRX4 const tRX4::c1(tII4(1)); std::ostream&operator<<(std::ostream&q,tRX4 const&p)rK{tRX4::tCn l;if(p<tRX4::c0){l=~p.g()+1;if(l>0){q<<"-";}}ih{l=p.g();} static tRX4::tCn const l10=1000; tRX4::tCn const lDm=((l&(tRX4::c1.g()-1))*l10*10)/tRX4::c1.g(); tRX4::tCn lDv=l10; q<<(l>>tRX4::cFc);q<<"."; while(lDv&&!(lDm/lDv)){q<<"0";lDv/=10;}if(lDm){q<<lDm;}return q;} /* The tester */ #include<cmath> v f()rK{ #define o_f1(a,b,p1,p2,p)\ lA1=a,lA2=b;lA0=lA1 p1 lA2;\ lB1=a,lB2=b;lB0=lB1 p1 lB2;\ std::cout<<(lB0==p?"[PASS]":"[FAIL]")<<" "<<#a<<#p1<<#b<<"="<<#p<<" Out: (float) (fixed) "<<lA0<<" "<<lB0<<std::endl;\ lA0=a,lA1=b;lA0 p2 lA1;\ lB0=a,lB1=b;lB0 p2 lB1;\ std::cout<<(lB0==p?"[PASS]":"[FAIL]")<<" "<<#a<<#p2<<#b<<"=>"<<#p<<" Out: (float) (fixed) "<<lA0<<" "<<lB0<<std::endl; t4f lA0,lA1,lA2; tRX4 lB0,lB1,lB2,lB3; printf("Addition\n"); o_f1(5.0,3.0,+,+=,8.0F) o_f1(7.0,-3.0,+,+=,4.0F) o_f1(2.0,-8.0,+,+=,-6.0F) o_f1(-6.0,-3.0,+,+=,-9.0F)printf("\n"); printf("Subtraction\n"); o_f1(8.0,6.0,-,-=,2.0F) o_f1(1.0,-3.0,-,-=,4.0F) o_f1(-3.0,-9.0,-,-=,6.0F) o_f1(-2.0,5.0,-,-=,-7.0F)printf("\n"); printf("Multiplication\n"); o_f1(2.0,3.0,*,*=,6.0F) o_f1(3.0,-4.0,*,*=,-12.0F) o_f1(2.0,-5.0,*,*=,-10.0F) o_f1(-6.0,-7.0,*,*=,42.0F)printf("\n"); printf("Division\n"); o_f1(14.0,3.5,/,/=,4.0F) o_f1(15.0,-3.0,/,/=,-5.0F) o_f1(-36.0,8.0,/,/=,-4.5F) o_f1(-48.0,-8.0,/,/=,6.0F)printf("\n"); #define o_f2(a,b,p1,p)\ lA1=a,lA2=b;lA0=std::fmod(lA1,lA2);\ lB1=a,lB2=b;lB0=lB1 p1 lB2;\ std::cout<<(lB0==p?"[PASS]":"[FAIL]")<<" "<<#a<<#p1<<#b<<"="<<#p<<" Out: (float) (fixed) "<<lA0<<" "<<lB0<<std::endl; printf("Modulo\n"); o_f2(3.0,5.0,%,3.0F) o_f2(2.0,4.5,%,2.0F) o_f2(6.5,5.0,%,1.5F) o_f2(8.0,4.5,%,3.5F)printf("\n"); #undef o_f2 #undef o_f1 } int main(){f();getchar();return 0;}
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